This is Elmer’s Classcaster presentation at the 2010 CALI Conference for Law School Computing.
Archives for classcaster
Introducing Classcaster 2.0, 6/2010
Using Classcaster II: Audio and Podcasting, 12/8/2010
How do I create a Classcaster blog?
Creating a new Classcaster blog is easy! Just visit the Classcaster home page and click on the ‘Create a blog here!‘ link to get started. All you need is a CALI account associated with a CALI member school to log in. Once you login, just complete the form to create your Classcaster blog. That’s all there […]
Can I use a custom domain name with my Classcaster blog?

We understand that not everyone wants or is able to use a domain for their blog. You may already have a domain that you use for a blog you would like to move to Classcaster or your organization may require that all websites and blogs use your organization’s domain name. That’s OK because we […]
How many Classcaster blogs may I have?
How many blogs do you want? Once you have created your first Classcaster blog, you will be able to create additional blogs on Classcaster. All of your blogs can be adminsitered through your Classcaster Dashboard page. Creating another Classcaster blog is just like creating your first Classcaster blog: Surf on over to and click […]
What is Classcaster?
Classcaster is a course/academic blogging system that provides faculty, librarians, and staff of CALI member schools with a new way to interact with students and communities. A Classcaster blog provides authors with tools for posting not only traditional blog articles but also tools for podcasting and sharing any documents and/or files with students and communities. […]