The bbPress forum plugin is available in Classcaster. bbPress is forum software from the creators of WordPress that allows Classcaster blog owners to add a discussion area to their blogs. To get started with bbPress follow these steps:
- Login to your Classcaster blog
- From your dashboard open plugins
- In the list of available plugins find bbPress and click the activate link
- This turns bbPress on and opens the welcome page
- At the bottom of the welcome page click the link for Forum Settings
- Review the settings. The defaults are fine to keep for now. If you make any changes be sure to click Save Changes
- Find Forums in the left hand menu and select Add New to create your first forum
- Fill out the Create New form with a title and a brief description and click publish to add your first forum
- To create a homepage for your forums click Add New under Pages
- On the Add New Page form just add the title Forums to the page. Leave the body of the page blank. This creates a special page that Classcaster will know to populate with your forums. Remember to click the publish button
- Visit the page at
to see your forums - Students can login on the Forums page with their CALI accounts to get access to the forums.
You can see the plugin in action at If you have any questions contact Elmer at emasters AT cali DOT org