Classcaster makes it easy to add additional authors or editors to your blog. Please note that for security reasons we require that everyone who is going to log in to a Classcaster blog have a valid, authorized CALI account. Classcaster uses the same account username and password as the CALI website. Details on getting a […]
Archives for security
How do I add authors or editors or other users to my blog?
By CALI Admin on August 29th 2010
How do I change the author name that displays in my posts?
By CALI Admin on August 26th 2010
By default Classcaster displays your CALI username as the author name on your posts. For many faculty this username is often your email address. Changing it to display your real name is a good idea and pretty straight forward. Just login to your dashboard, on the left menu look for the ‘Users’ link, click on […]
How do I restrict access to my Classcaster blog posts to just my students?
By CALI Admin on August 14th 2010

You can password protect posts on your Classcaster blog by adjusting the visibility settings of the post as follows: When adding or editing a post, locate the ‘Visibility’ setting in the ‘Publish’ area in the right hand column and click on the ‘Edit’ link. Select the ‘Password protected’ button and enter a password for the […]