The Domain Mapping plugin for Classcaster allows bloggers to use their own domain name with a Classcaster blog. With a little planning and direction CALI member law schools can use the plugin to create a custom blogging domain for their schools. All you need is a CALI account and the ability to create (or have […]
Archives for custom domain
Is it possible to create a custom blogging domain for my law school?
By CALI Admin on January 13th 2011
Can I use a custom domain name with my Classcaster blog?
By CALI Admin on October 8th 2010

We understand that not everyone wants or is able to use a domain for their blog. You may already have a domain that you use for a blog you would like to move to Classcaster or your organization may require that all websites and blogs use your organization’s domain name. That’s OK because we […]